Friday, October 15, 2010

School Days- The Days to Remember!!

School Time, Get up early, catch your bus, finish your school, come back and get ready for your tuitions. Every school boy hates it but regrets it later when he grows up just for the reason that those days cannot lived again.

Those days are always there in our internal memory. The fun we had with our innocent, selfless and true friends. Our world started and ended with them. Those laughters, pranks and leg pulling which we never forget. We always want to relive those moments but we can't.

We have our mother to wake us, we have our father to drop us to school and our whole world lies with them. Now when we have to manage all these things by ourself, we realize the meaning of it. Our biggest problem is our siblings, the silly fights with them for small things. We go crazy when we think about them but that moments can't be recreated.

Why don't we understand the value of something when that is with us!!

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